Tuesday, June 19, 2007

4 Days till Take-off!

Piano Girl and I overnighted all the paperwork and checks to Interlochen today- better late than never! We made enough to cover her admission fees, and some of the other expenses, and it is really ok that we will be eating rocks for awhile- this is so worth it!

We ordered a bunch of clothing from Interlochen (I guess this fall, PG will be advertising for Interlochen wherever she goes, because I am not going to be able to spend any money on new clothes!), and bought a bunch of stuff at Sears and Penney's (read here to see how I feel about mall shopping!). We still have a bunch of stuff to buy- phone cards, linens, travel sized shampoos, etc, but I think I can do all that at our local Fred Meyer. Now we have started washing and packing! We need another suitcase, as the Papa Dude is going to be traveling at the same time as PG, not sure if I want to buy one. It will all work out.

I am getting anxious about her flying alone, so by Saturday, I ought to be over that- always do my worrying ahead of time!
Talk soon,
Proud Mama

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great visualizing and manifesting!