Friday, April 20, 2007

Dumb PayPal

GGRRRRR. I am NOT happy with Paypal right now. I am working to resolve the issue, but they are insisting that Papa Dude call them to resolve it, and he is out of town. I know that I could be a big meany who is out to steal all his money by pretending to be his WIFE and all, but I also know that I am not. For crying out loud, we share the bank account in question, and there isn't ever anything in it anyway. All this because his name is on the account I want to use, and he didn't add mine at the time he created it. GRRRRRRR.

Ok, rant is over, I am fine, I know some of you are just itchin' do put in your donation. Just knowing you are willing to pledge is comforting. I just want to get it going. I will put the dang button on the sidebar as soon as it is humanly possible to contact my traveling Dude, and get him to spend ten minutes on the phone with the infamous Paypal.
Proud Mama

1 comment:

kitten said...

You should be proud. I really hope things do work out for yall. I wish I could help but I can't at the momment, but I will see if some of family will want to help/ Because I know if it was one of mine you would be there.
Good Luck!
Katie from the DJ