Friday, May 25, 2007

One week left!

Well folks, we are down to the wire. The PianoGirl is practicing her pieces about 4 hours a day, and having 2 two-hour long lessons a week (ask me how much driving I have been doing!). She is feeling anxious and excited.

I got food donations and deliveries in place today, I will be talking to my banner team today, the program is lined up and ready (do you want me to post the pieces she is playing?), and I have sent one last round of invites to every single address in my email account.

We have received a total of $700. so far, with pledges for another $200. so we have about $3000. to go. Thanks to everyone who has already donated, or bought raffle tickets. If you want to support Piano Girl but live to far to attend the concert, or can't make it, feel free to donate using the Paypal button in the side bar. Spread the word!

Proud Mama

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! Hey Piano girl, are you envisioning how fabulous it's all going to be? Remember to picture in your mind what you want to experience, and keep "acting" on your vision. Practice is great, and a pleasure for those all around you.

See you Saturday.
