Monday, November 5, 2007

Day 2

During the night I had a dream that I went out to the front room and my baggage was there. When I woke up I realized that it was a dream and that my luggage probably still hadn’t gotten here yet. So I got up and went to the bathroom and when I came back, A walked up to me and told me my luggage was here. I would have jumped for joy but the stuff on E’s shelf wasn’t very stable and everyone else was sleeping. I got dressed but I only had an orange tee shirt and I was supposed to wear light blue polo shirts with the camp logo. This made me slightly uncomfortable. Later that day I got a note that I had Intermediate piano placement signups. I went to Stone Hotel and waited to sign up. There was a very long line and when I finally got to the room, I signed up and got a map with a reminder telling me where the audition was and when. Then I went back to the cabin. At 1:50, I realized I was late and ran to Frohlich and went up to the second floor which is where the audition was supposed to be, but when I looked at the sign I saw it said, “Intermediate piano auditions: room 1155.” Back down to the first floor I went, found the room, and sat to wait. I got a piece of paper with music on it to look at before I played it so I was ready to play when my turn came around. I went in, and played. I could have done WAY better, but I did how I did, and it all turned out fine. The only thing that bugs me is that on the scales, I was supposed to play a D major scale, (which is the second scale I learned) and I messed up on it! That REALLY bugged me! But the people were really nice.

After auditions, I went back to my cabin and played around. At 5:00 we all went to dinner, and at 9:30 we went to bed. Or at least I tried to. When E and A were finishing up with bunk talk, A came over to where my bunk was and saw me crying. She asked me if I needed to take a walk and talk about how I was feeling etc. I said yes, but it was so dark out that we just sat on the porch and talked. I was SO homesick that as soon as I was outside I started to bawl! She cheered me up by reminding me how hard I tried to get here and how much I wanted to be here. Then she told me she had also read The Lord of the Rings about three times like me! We also looked at the fireflies flickering on and off and I told her about a book on tape called Wolf Story. It is about a hen named Rainbow who has all different colors of feathers. The reason I thought about this is that near the end, the wolf catches some fireflies and uses them as a lantern. He goes to catch Rainbow and he starts to dig at the walls of the chicken yard, but he scrapes his nose. So he tries to dig side ways and scrapes his side on the cement wall that the farmers son has put down to protect his chickens due to the previous attack. He does this to his other side and his rear end, and then he is caught and tamed by the son of the farmer. She thought that was really funny and I felt a lot better, so we went inside. This time I was able to sleep.

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